Languages in Dublin
Before Ireland was conquered by the English, the main language spoken was Irish or Irish Gaelic (Gaeilge) during the Middle Ages.
Since the Declaration of Independence in 1922, Ireland has been the home of 2 official languages - Irish and English.
Although currently it's estimated that only around 100,000 people use Irish on a daily basis, the majority of signs and posters at museums and places of interest are written in both.
Below are some useful phrases and words in both Irish and English.
Irish Slang Used in Dublin
How's she cuttin'? - How are things?
What's the craic? - How are you?
C'mere to me - I've something to tell you
Gas - Funny
Grand - Fine / Okay
Culchie - Someone from the countryside
The Jacks - The toilet
Banjaxed - Broken
Your man / Your one - Any man or woman (even if you don't know them)
Useful Words and Phrases in Irish
Dia dhuit - Hello
Slán - Goodbye
Sláinte - Cheers
Go raibh maith agat - Thank you
Conas a tá tú? - How are you?
Ceart go leoir - Okay
Le de theoil - Please
Stad - Stop
Tóg go bog é - Take it easy
Go mall - Go slow
Oscailte - Open
Dúnta - Closed
Fáilte - Welcome
Tá brón orm - Sorry
Gabh mo leithscéal - Excuse me
Fir - Men
Mná - Women